Add Action

Add Action

The Add Action tool allows the user to be able to add actions to single or multiple records.

1. The user will have to select on the DB Builder application which is under the System Integrator section

2. Once inside, the user has to navigate towards the DB Builder Tree

  • The user will select any type of available site, floor, equip, or point(s)

3.  Once the user has made a selection, the user will have to use the Tool button  which is located on the bottom right of the tree view

4.  The user will be prompted with a pop-up called Tools where the user will have to navigate to the following: Action Category > Add Action


5. After the Add Action tool has been selected there is going to be a popup window called Add Action with the required fields to fill out

Filter: takes a filter that can be of whatever points the user is trying to query for to add an action.

Below are handful example filters and what they return. You can use whatever valid filter you want. Keep in mind, whatever you filter will be affected to records with actions with whatever changes you make.

  • point: will apply to all points that have actions

  • id == @p:demo:r:1eeb0007-121ebcfe: will apply to a specific point that matches the id.

  • navName=="Damper": will apply to all points with navName "Damper".

  • point and floorRef==@p:demo:r:1eeaf23d-b2ddf0f3: will apply to all points under a specific floor that matches that id.

  • navName=="Damper" and siteRef->dis=="City Center": will apply to all points with navName "Damper" and are under the site called "City Center".

  • point and air and temp and zone and sp: will apply to all points with the tags point, air, temp, zone, and sp.

6. The next window called Add Action will allow the user to specify the action they would like to add to the filtered records. 

dis: this will be the name of the action the user sees when opening the actions.

hvac: this is the level to define the action for user permissions. By default 3 is for set actions, 6 is for manual actions, and 9 is for emergency actions.

expr: this can be any of the below depending on the type action the user wants to add.

Emergency Set example: pointEmergencyOverride($self, $val) Emergency Auto example: pointEmergencyAuto($self) Manual Set example: pointOverride($self, $val, $duration) Manual Auto example: pointAuto($self) Set Default example: pointSetDef($self, $val) Set Null example: pointSetDef($self, null) For booleans points there are these below as well instead of Emergency Set and Manual Set types. Emergency Active example: pointEmergencyOverride($self, true) Emergency Inactive example: pointEmergencyOverride($self, false) Manual On example: pointOverride($self, true, $duration) Manual Off example: pointOverride($self, false, $duration)

Example: Adding a new action called "New Action" to a single point and it will be a manual type.

7. When the user selected on the Apply button, the next form called Add Action will show the user if they want to continue to add more actions in the same point you searched in the 1st form

8. The user will have to check off the box if they want to continue adding actions before clicking on the apply button

  • Otherwise, hit Apply and the tool will automatically add the action property tag based on what you set in step 4

We can see our New Action available on our damper point we chose to add a new action to.

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