Users Groups

Users Groups


NOTE: Only Super Users (SU) can manage other users

To operate the User application, the Super User will need to open the Host Application.

  • When a Super User logins into FIN, they will be directed to the Host Application where they will find the User tab in the left-hand column.

  • Furthermore, Super Users may also open the Host application in the Advanced Apps section. (Note: this function is not available to Administrators and Operators)

User Groups

User Groups is a user management feature. It makes it easier for superusers to manage permissions and other user account settings for a group of users.

Creating a new group

1. Select the Groups tab.

2. Select the Create button located on the bottom left of the window.

3. A popup called New Group will be displayed

Short Name: A shorthand alias for the group (camelCase).

Group Name: The full length group name.

User Role: Describes what role level the group has in their operations.


  • "SU" users has full unrestricted access to all host and project app functions.

  • "Admin" users can make project database writes (changes) and issue actions (commands).

  • "Operator" users means they are read-only to the project database, but they can command points with the action menu (with given permissions).

Select a Color: Color of the group tag

Time Zone: Used to select a Time Zone from the drop-down menu.

Language: Used to select what language will be displayed in the User Interface.

4. After filling out the form, select the blue Create button (as shown above) to create the group.

5. Once the group is created, it will be displayed in the Groups tab as shown below.

Editing a Group

1. In order to edit the group essentials and application permissions, select the Edit Group button.

2. A pop-up window called Edit Group will open.

This window contains three sections:

Creating a new user and assigning a group

1. Select the User tab

2. Click the Create button to create a new user

3. This will open a window titled New User.


  • Username: The login credential of the user.

  • First Name: First name of the new user

  • Last Name: Last name of the new user

  • Email: The Email address of the new user

  • User Group: This optional drop-down menu will define which group the user belongs to.

    • If selected, the user’s time zone and language will be matched to the group settings.


4. When the new user is created, they will be prompted to reset their password.

  • A temporary password will be given. After the first successful login to FIN, the user will be directed to create their own personal password.

5. Once a user is successfully assigned to a group, the user tile will display the name and color associated with the group.

Two new lines will be shown next to the user icon:

  • Group: The group section will contain the following: [group name & color]+[group role]

  • Time Zone: The time zone will contain the group’s time zone and it will be underlined in the group’s color

6. Select the Edit User button, to view the group’s properties on the user.

7. As shown below, if the user has group properties it will be displayed in the group’s color.

  • A user may turn off the group properties by clicking the buttons matching the group color. If the button is transparent, the group setting is not active upon the user. Conversely, if it is colored solid, then the group setting is currently overriding any other user selection.

Applying a group to an existing user

1. Select the Edit User button

2. Click on the user group drop-down menu, this will display a list of groups


3. Once a group is selected, the group’s properties will be displayed.

4. Select which group properties override user properties, if the group property is active it will be a solid color.



5. Once done, select the Save button to apply all changes.


Remove a user from a group

  1. Select the Edit User button.

2. Click the user group drop-down menu and select the N/A to remove the user from any previously selected group.

3. Select the Save button to apply all changes.


4. When a user has no group assignment, the group section will display N/A.

  • The following user settings will switch to default user settings when removed from a group:

    • User Role: Operator
      Theme: Light
      Time Zone: New York
      Language: English


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