Date and Time Formats

Date and Time Formats

Added the ability to set the dateFormat and timeFormat on the users. It's best to do the timeFormat through folio and query for 'user' and modifying it there on the user

1. Select the App Launcher icon on the top left

2. Select the Folio > Launch tile under System Integrator Apps to open the Folio application

3. Below are some query examples to add either dateFormat or timeFormat

Example query for adding both tags to all users

userReadAll().toRecList.each(userRec => userEdit({id: userRec->id, mod: userRec->mod, dateFormat:"DD.MM.YYYY", timeFormat:"hh:mm"}))

If tz is needed

userReadAll().toRecList.each(userRec => userEdit({id: userRec->id, mod: userRec->mod, tz: userRec->tz, dateFormat:"DD.MM.YYYY", timeFormat:"hh:mm"}))

If applying to certain user examples using username and id

userReadAll(username=="ricky") or userReadAll(id == @u:ricky)


Both tags are in strings: dateFormat=="DD.MM.YYYY" or timeFormat=="hh:mm"

There are different formats that can be used: Moment.js | Docs