Mobile Menu Codes

Mobile Menu Codes

Here are some codes for Mobile Menu.





submenu example (right menu)

app.set({ 'navigationItems.4.submenu': { startOpen: true, items: [ { label: 'Hi', icon: 'icon-heart', action: 'alert("hi")', tooltip: "adfadfadf" }, { icon: 'icon-document-edit', label: 'Edit', tooltip: "Hi i am tooltip" }, { label: 'Delete', style: 'background: red', icon: 'icon-cross', } ] }, 'navigationItems.8.submenu': { items: [ { label: 'Dynamically', icon: 'icon-export' }, { label: 'Sized' }, ] } });

Hover with colors

.glow-fin { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #3488b2, 0 0 0.2em #3488b2; } .glow-hover-fin { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-fin:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #3488b2, 0 0 0.2em #3488b2 !important; } .glow-ok { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #5cb85c, 0 0 0.2em #5cb85c; } .glow-hover-ok { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-ok:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #5cb85c, 0 0 0.2em #5cb85c !important; } .glow-overriden { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #c241ff, 0 0 0.2em #c241ff; } .glow-hover-overriden { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-overriden:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #c241ff, 0 0 0.2em #c241ff !important; } .glow-unacked { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #b0b0b0, 0 0 0.2em #b0b0b0; } .glow-hover-unacked { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-unacked:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #b0b0b0, 0 0 0.2em #b0b0b0 !important; } .glow-alarm { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #d40000, 0 0 0.2em #d40000; } .glow-hover-alarm { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-alarm:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #d40000, 0 0 0.2em #d40000 !important; } .glow-fault { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #e79621, 0 0 0.2em #e79621; } .glow-hover-fault { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-fault:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #e79621, 0 0 0.2em #e79621 !important; } .glow-stale { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #d0d0d0, 0 0 0.2em #d0d0d0; } .glow-hover-stale { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-stale:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #d0d0d0, 0 0 0.2em #d0d0d0 !important; } .glow-down { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #d2d200, 0 0 0.2em #d2d200; } .glow-hover-down { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-down:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #d2d200, 0 0 0.2em #d2d200 !important; } .glow-disabled { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #c0c0c0, 0 0 0.2em #c0c0c0; } .glow-hover-disabled { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-disabled:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #c0c0c0, 0 0 0.2em #c0c0c0 !important; } .glow-null { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #cca797, 0 0 0.2em #cca797; } .glow-hover-null { transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease; } .glow-hover-null:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em #cca797, 0 0 0.2em #cca797 !important; }

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