Clone Equip-Point Tag

This will clone/create your equip and points tags in Niagara from a selected Equip tag model

How to use

1. Select the DB Builder tile underneath the System Integrator app section

2. Then once inside the app, the user will select Connectors in the top menu. This will display a side menu where it will show the user the existing BACnet or Haystack connectors.

  • In this case, the user will select a Haystack connector

3. Expand the Connector Tree, this will display two options BACnet and Haystack

4. Expand the Haystack Tree, this will display existing Haystack Connectors.

5. Select a Haystack Connector

6. Navigate the connector to select an equipment

7. After the selection has been made, select the tool icon located on the bottom right

8. This will open a pop-up called Tools and navigate to the following: NHaystack > Clone Equip-Point Tags

9. After the selection, a pop-up window will appear named Clone Equip and Point Tags in Niagara

  • The user will follow the prompt of selecting

    • Site

    • Equips you want to Copy

    • Select the component that will be effected by the cloning operating