HistoryValue Block

HistoryValue Block


Calculates operations on History Values (Max, Min, Average).

First, this block concats the hisRead function with the hisRollUp function.

This is the Folio query that will be executed:

                                readById(pointId).hisRead(dates or span).hisRollup(foldOperation, interval)

The result of the query is being used to calculate the selected operation (max, min, avg) and the final value is available on output.

pointId must correspond to a valid point inside FIN (with no “@” character)

Valid pointId input example: p:training:r:260390eb-716e0bbe

When both dates and span inputs are defined, only the dates input is being considered.

Valid dates input example: 2020-01-01,2020-12-31


  • pointId (string) [format: p:projName:r:xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx]

  • dates (string)  [format: from,to]

  • span (enum)

  • interval (enum)

  • foldOperation (enum)

  • operation (enum)


  • result (number)

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