DewPoint Block

DewPoint Block


Calculates the Dew Point when given in input a temperature and a humidity value.

Receives in input a dry bulb temperature value (°C) and a relative humidity value (%) and it calculates the Dew Point (°C) by using the following formula:

Tc = Temperature in Celsius
Rh = Relative humidity
Es = Saturation steam pressure
E = Actual steam pressure of air
Es = 6.11 * 10^[ (7.5 * Tc) / (237.7 + Tc) ]
E = (Rh * Es)/100

DewPoint = ( -430.22 + 237.7 * log(e) ) / ( -log(e) + 19.08 )


  • dryBulbTemp (number) [unit: °C]

  • relativeHumidity (number) [unit: %]


  • result (number) [unit: °C]