sineWave Block

sineWave Block

sineWave Block

The sineWave block allows the user to create their own custom sineWave for points.

The sineWave block can be found in the B-Line app, after creating a new program. Start typing sineWave and you'll see it as on option to select it.

Using the sineWave Block

After the user has created or opened a new or existing program, in the Runcycle, the sineWave block can be used inside different other blocks like: SET, IF, RETURN....

Let say we have a Set block and the user wants to have the a numeric point be controlled by the sineWave block to make it fluctuate. They would select the point the want to Set, then select sineWave.

Once the user selects that block, it'll appear like below with min, max, and period options.

  • Min - Indicates the minimum value you want it to go

  • Max - Indicates the maximum value you want it to go

  • Period - Indicates how long to take to complete a wave (ie min-max-min-max (its in minutes)

Here is an example of a set up. Set to be between 10 and 90 with it to complete in 50 seconds.

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