Enthalpy Block

Enthalpy Block


Calculates the Enthalpy when given in input a temperature and a humidity value.

Receives in input a dry bulb temperature value (°C) and a relative humidity value (%) and it calculates the Enthalpy (°C).

Output is available in kJ/kg.


Entalpy: h is in btu/lb(dry air)

OAT: Temperature in °F

RH: Relative Humidity as a percentage. (e.g. 40% RH would just be 40, not 0.40)

h = 0.24*OAT+(0.6219)*(0.01*(0.000000007401234*OAT^4 - 0.000000493526794*OAT^3 + 0.000071281097208*OAT^2 - 0.000489806163078*OAT + 0.039762055806989)*RH)/(14.7-(0.01*(0.000000007401234*OAT^4 - 0.000000493526794*OAT^3 + 0.000071281097208*OAT^2 - 0.000489806163078*OAT + 0.039762055806989)*RH))*(1061.2+0.444*OAT)


  • dryBulbTemp (number) [unit: °C]

  • relativeHumidity (number) [unit: %]


  • result (number) [unit: kJ/kg]