BACnet URL correct format
The BACnet connector correct URL format is: bacnet://{host}/{deviceId}?dnet={BACnet network no}&dadr={BACnet address}&hops={hop count} where:
host: is the ip and port of the bacnet device
deviceId: is the device instance of the bacnet device
dnet: is the network number of the bacnet device
dadr: is the mac address of the bacnet device
hops: is the hop count of the bacnet device (default is 255)
Example: bacnet://
For IP devices, its simple with just the host and deviceId. Example: bacnet://
If the user will input a correct HOST but will put the wrong device instance number in, then an "Unknown Object" error will be thrown at the connector level.
If the user will put the wrong network number/ host/ mac address in, then a "Socket timeout" error will be thrown at the connector level.