Manually Restore Snapshot

Manually Restore Snapshot


This only works for older snapshots that are not password protected. In 5.1 or newer, a snapshot can be password protected and requires a password to create and restore via the Snapshot tool.

When creating a Snapshot, the name scheme of the file contains the name of the project, date, and time of when it was generated. It looks something like this demo-180316-162129.zip. That would mean that the project name is "demo" and dateTime is March 16th, 2018 at 4:21:29 pm. The user can then take this file and restore it using the Snapshots Tool in the Folio App Menu. If the user runs into an issue when restoring with the tool, they may be able to manually restore from the snapshot zip file. (assuming the snapshot is not a corrupted file that won't work) If it won't work, the user will get an error about not being able to open it, or something of that sort.

To restore a snapshot manually (That is, without using the Tools), follow these steps:

  1. Unzip the snapshot file.

  2. Rename the folder to just the name of the project. You can just remove the dateTime so that demo-180316-162129 becomes demo. (Make sure in that folder that it contains data, io, folders, etc.)

  3. Stop the FIN service (use Task Manager or the Windows Service Manager)

  4. Move that demo folder into the proj folder in the FIN directory. The path to proj folder should be something like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\FIN Framework\FIN Framework<your_version>\var\proj

  5. Restart the FIN service.

If you have a snapshot without the standard naming scheme, you will need to figure out what the original project name was.

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