Connector Templates

Connector Templates

Connector Templates

We created an ability to create connector template packages to help reduce the amount of time it takes to create a FIN Stack database on a project. It greatly reduces engineering, time, and labor needed to implement FIN Stack on a job site. Once a perfected template is created, the jobs that use the same setup will only require a fraction of the time a regular job would take. The template is re-usable and can be applied to multiple jobs. The templates can either exist inside a pod or independently outside of a pod.

Template workflow would be as followed:

  • Pre-configure template content with FIN Stack

  • Generate pod(s)/FST(s) for application(s)

  • On job site, install FIN Stack and the pod(s)/FST(s) needed for the site

  • Discover/Add Devices

  • Add from template/database creation

  • Repeat on other job sites

Template Engineering Requirements:

  • Device specific knowledge/expertise - knowledge on what the specific device needs and what should be included in the template.

  • FIN Stack app specific knowledge - graphics, alarms, histories, program, summaries, manuals, and schedules. As well as Haystack tagging and standards so that their database can be tagged properly.

Template Engineering Time Estimation:

  • 30 templates (1 template for each set of unique applications)

  • 1 template application per day (8 hrs)

  • 1 month average to complete all applications

  • 2 weeks of in-house testing and minor fixes

Template Workflow

Below are the steps from start to finish with a corresponding link for the app. Keep in mind, some items are optional, for example, if you don't want to include a summary or manual, you can skip that step.

Building Templates

1) Make The Equip Tree

Here the user will create an equip that will be used as a template. The equip will be perfected by having all the points and tags completed. Be sure to set up the histories and schedulable points if needed. (DB Builder)

2) Make A Graphic

After creating an equip, the user will create a graphic for it that will run on it. (Graphics Builder)

3) Make A Program

Then create a logic program for alarms or any logic needed for that equip. (Logic Builder)

4) Make A Summary

The user can also include a summary. (Summary Builder)

Note: Since templates are equip specific, the summaries are likely to be imported regardless of equip type since they generally run on site/floor. You can either continue and save the fst with a summary and let the system integrator decide to keep or delete it. Or download the summary individually and provide it along with the pod or fst files. If doing the latter, make sure to delete the summary before saving fst or save fst before creating summary. (Summary Builder - Backup)

5) Make A O&M Manual

The user can upload a manual for the equip such as sequence of operation or any other files that they would like to upload. (O&M Manuals)

6) Make The Template Pod

This is where the user will now select the equip in DB Builder and save it as an fst template using the Save Template tool. Then create the pod. (Creating Template Pod)

System Integrator Project Creation

The user can either do step 7 or 8 or can mix it up using both. Steps 9 and 10 are done after importing the templates if needed.

7) Use The Template Pod

Here the user will now be able to use the pod on job sites. They would upload the pod and enable it. Then discover/add their devices using Template Wizard.

8) Use FST Template Without Pod

If the user would like to use the fst template instead of a pod, they can do so by going through the FST Template Setup. Then discover/add their devices using Template Wizard.

9) Create A Schedule

If schedules are needed, the user can go ahead and create schedules for their equip. (Schedules)

10) Create and/or Restore A Summary

If a summary zip file was provided, then the user can just restore that summary (Summary Builder - Restore). If no summary provided, then the user can create their own custom one using the Summary Builder app if needed. (Summary Builder)

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