Thermostat (Simple)
Thermostat (Simple)
This model will show and can change the set point of a vav. It also shows the site, floor, and equip. Must be placed on an equip.
Completed Model (Basic)
Download: SetPoint.zip
Ractive Code
<div class="fin fHt vertical s-width"> {{#mySetPoint}} <div class=" fin horizontal center middle"> <div class="small-button-top fin vertical middle center">{{equipRefDis}}</div> </div> <div class="fin horizontal mlt mlh"> <div class="s-buttons s-minus fin vertical middle center" on-click="decrement"> <strong>-</strong> </div> <div class="s-buttons s-label fin vertical middle center"> <strong>{{curVal}}{{unit}}</strong><span class="subText fin middle center">{{navName}}</span> </div> <div class="s-buttons s-plus fin vertical middle center" on-click="increment"> <strong>+</strong> </div> </div> <br> <div class=" fin horizontal center middle"> <div class="small-button-left fin vertical middle center">{{siteRefDis}}</div> <div class="small-button-right fin vertical middle center">{{floorRefDis}}</div> </div> {{/mySetPoint}} </div>
Lines 20 and 21 is where the site and floor are displayed. siteRefDis and floorRefDis can be changed to another tag to be displayed, or if not wanted lines 17-21 can be removed to just display the setpoint with the plus and minus buttons. Lines 3-5 show the equipRefDis(line 4) and can be changed or deleted as well
{ data: { mySetPoint: null } }
.s-width{ width:386px; } .s-buttons{ background-color: #ccc; color:#fff; height:80px; font-size: 26px; } .s-minus{ border-radius: 40px 0 0 40px; margin-right:2px; width:100px; cursor: pointer; } .s-plus{ border-radius: 0 40px 40px 0; width:100px; cursor: pointer; } .s-label{ margin-right:2px; width:150px; } .subText{ font-size: 16px; } .small-button-left{ background-color: #ccc; color:#fff; height:40px; width:100px; font-size: 16px; margin-right:2px; border-radius: 40px 0 0 40px; } .small-button-right{ background-color: #ccc; color:#fff; height:40px; width:100px; font-size: 16px; border-radius: 0 40px 40px 0; } .small-button-top{ background-color: #ccc; color:#fff; height:40px; width:200px; font-size: 16px; border-radius: 40px; }
var self = this.ractive; this.ractive.fire("obtainData"); var count = 0; this.ractive.on("increment", function(event){ var point = this.get('mySetPoint'); var val = parseFloat(point.curVal); val += 1; if (val >= 84) val=84; if (val <= 0) val=0; finstack.eval('readById(' +point.id+ ').pointOverride(' +val+ ')').then(function(data) { if (data && data.result) { if (data.result.isErrorGrid) { console.error("Error occurred while updating value"); return; } self.set('mySetPoint.curVal', val); } }, function(err) { console.error("Error occurred while updating...", err); }); }); this.ractive.on("decrement", function(event) { var point = this.get('mySetPoint'); var val = parseFloat(point.curVal); val -= 1; if (val >= 84) val=84; if (val <= 0) val=0; finstack.eval('readById(' +point.id+ ').pointOverride(' +val+ ')').then(function(data) { if (data && data.result) { if (data.result.isErrorGrid) { console.error("Error occurred while updating value"); return; } self.set('mySetPoint.curVal', val); } }, function(err) { console.error("Error occurred while updating...", err); }); });
var roomSP = this; var target = query("targetPoint"); finstack.eval('readAll((navName=="Room Setpoint") and floorRef=='+target.floorRef+' and siteRef=='+target.siteRef+' and equipRef=='+target.pointId+')', function(data){ roomSP.mySetPoint=data.result.toObj()[0]; console.log(roomSP); });
Important!: Line 3 may need to be changed to match the navName of your setpoint. For example if the Room Setpoint is named RM SP on your machine, you would change (navName=="Room Setpoint") to (navName=="RM SP")
How To Make your Own
- Bring Ractive out from components on the left side menu
- Then open the ractive editor, and copy and paste from the Ractive Code given above for template, model, style, and init
- Next add a tag on your Ractive component and add a new program
- Copy and paste the above code for program into the main part
- Name your program, and set the program target filter to stackRactive (it must match the tag on the ractive component)
- Top right of program editor, click the three dots, and select variables
- Click the gear that appears as you hover over this
- turn Invokes the Function on and change the dropdown to Custom Event
- Type in obtainData in the line below and click the gray save
Click the blue save for your program
- Save and you're done!
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