Aux Point Information

Aux Point Information

What is an AUX point?

An AUX point is a point in the system that has certain limitations that a regular point does not.

What are the current limitations of an AUX point?

Currently, the only limitation of an AUX point is that it cannot collect histories.

How is an AUX point identified in the database

Any point that has an 'aux' tag on it, will be considered an AUX point.

How do Aux points work against the license?  

Anything that is an 'aux' point will initially count towards the "auxPoints" portion of the license

What if my license has an aux point count limitation of 0, will creating an aux point in the database throw a licensing error? 

As of 5.0.3, Aux points will first count towards the "auxPoint" portion of the license, but if they go over the auxPoint count, they will then start to count towards the regular "point" count portion of the license. 

How can I fix licensing errors related to aux points?

For more instructions on how to resolve or determine licensing errors, we would suggest checking out our Licensing Errors documentation page. 

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