FIN Gauge Components (finSvgGaugesReactExt)

FIN Gauge Components (finSvgGaugesReactExt)



Works in light theme and dark theme


How To Use



  • Drag out an svg gauge from the svg gauges category
  • Drag and drop a virtual point on top of the svg gauge
  • Right click on the svg gauge
    • configure gauge
  • This will open up a form to customize the gauge


A refresh is sometimes necessary for the changes to take place

Bar Gauges

Bar Gauge 1


Rotatehorizontal or vertical bar
Needle Color

Color of the border around the gauge (default #000)

Text ColorColor of the value 
Gradient Color 1Gradient color on the left (top for vertical) (default #8B90C7)
Gradient Color 2Gradient color in the middle (default #FFF)
Gradient Color 3Gradient color on the right (bottom for vertical) (default #E97D84)
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Bar Gauge 2


Rotatehorizontal or vertical bar

Min Value

Lowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max ValueHighest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)
Text ColorColor of the text
Min ColorColor of the bar when below the set Mid Range
Mid ColorColor of the bar when in-between the set Mid Range
Max ColorColor of the bar when above the set Mid Range
Mid Range MinRange in which the bar changes colors within (lower number)
Mid Range MaxRange in which the bar changes colors within (higher number)
Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge
Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)

Bar Gauge 3


Rotatehorizontal or vertical bar
Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Number ColorColor of the value
Text ColorColor of the navName/ Short Name
ColorColor of the bar and circle
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Bar Gauge 4

Rotatehorizontal or vertical bar
ColorColor for gauge (default #29ABE2)
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Bar Gauge 5

Rotatehorizontal or vertical bar
Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Text ColorColor for the text (default #000)
Background ColorColor of the whole gauge (default #29abe2)
Fill ColorColor for gauge fill (default #e6e6e6)
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Circle Gauges

Circle Gauge 1

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Needle ColorColor of the needle
Dot ColorColor of the dot behind the needle
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Circle Gauge 2

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Needle ColorColor of the needle (behind the gradient)
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Half Circle Gauges

Half Circle Gauge 1

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Text ColorColor of the text
Needle ColorColor of the needle
Gradient Color 1hex color of the left side gradient (default #7dc5f0)
Gradient Color 2hex color of the right side gradient (default #006bac)
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Half Circle Gauge 2

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Text ColorColor of the main value
Number ColorColor of the numbers
Needle ColorColor of the needle
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Half Circle Gauge 3

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Text ColorColor of the text displaying the value
Needle ColorColor of the needle
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Half Circle Gauge 4

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Text ColorColor of the value inside the dot
Number ColorColor of the numbers
ColorColor for the gauge (default #d1d3d4)
Dot ColorColor for the dots (default #be1e2d)
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Half Circle Gauge 5

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
ColorColor of the horizontal line, semi-circle, and needle
Text ColorColor of the text inside the semi-circle
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Half Circle Gauge 6

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Gauge Background ColorColor of the gauge
Needle ColorColor of the needle
Gauge Accent ColorColor of the tic marks inside the gauge
Text ColorColor of the navName/Short Name and curVal
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Half Circle Gauge 7

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Dot ColorColor for the dots (default #ba2835)
Number ColorColor of the Min Value and Max Value
Gradient Color 1Color of the left side gradient (default #fbb040)
Gradient Color 2Color of the left side gradient (default #be1e2d)
Needle ColorColor for the needle (default #000)
Text ColorColor of the curVal inside the needle
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Half Circle Gauge 8

Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Gradient Color 1Color of the left side gradient (default #1b75bc)
Gradient Color 2Color of the right side gradient (default #000)
Number ColorColor of the Min Value and Max Value
Text ColorColor of the curVal inside the needle
Dot ColorColor for the dots (default #1b75bc)
Needle ColorColor for the needle (default #1b75bc)
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Icon Gauges

Battery Gauge


Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value

Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)

Low Range ColorColor of the bar when below the set Mid Range (default #d40000)
Mid Range ColorColor of the bar when in-between the set Mid Range (default #e79621)
High Range ColorColor of the bar when above the set Mid Range (default #5cb85c)
Mid Range MinRange in which the bar changes colors within (smaller number)
Mid Range MaxRange in which the bar changes colors within (larger number)
Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge

Needle Gauge


Needle ColorColor for the needle
Dot ColorColor for the dot
Min DegreesLowest value degree (default -90)
Min ValueLowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max DegreeHighest value degree (default 90)
Max ValueHighest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)
Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge
Hide DotWill set the dot opacity to be transparent

All Other Icon Gauges

Light 1 Light 2 Lightning Raindrop Snowflake Sun Tree 

Text ColorColor of text (Only visible when Show Label is checked)
ColorColor of the icon fill
Short NameName appearing with the gauge (if blank will show navName of the virtual point)
Min Value Lowest value displayed on the gauge (default is the minVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 0)
Max Value Highest value displayed on the gauge (default is the maxVal on the virtual point if one exists, otherwise the default is 100)
Show BackgroundCheckbox, if selected will show a view-container around the gauge
Show Label

Displays the name and value next to the gauge