Top Level Graphic

Top Level Graphic

Top Level Graphic

We created a tool called Top Level Graphic that allows the user to create/edit a topLevelRecord which determines what graphic/context will automatically load upon logging in. 

User Home Path

If the individual user has their graphic homepath setup, it will automatically override the Top Level Graphic. 

How to Create your Top-Level Record

To reach the Create Top level graphic tool, the user must:

1. Select the Menu, which is located on the top left corner  

2. Select the Graphics Builder tile

3. When the user clicks on the Graphics Builder tile, it will slide out and give the user 3 options

  • In this case, the user will select on Menu


4. Once the Graphics Builder Mini App menu is opened, you will see a "Top Level Graphic" option

5. Open the Slider and select Create option

6. Once the Create option is selected, the following pop up will appear:

  • Select Graphic: Allows the user to select from a list of available graphics

  • Graphic Target: The graphic target will determine what context to load up for the graphic

7. Hit Apply to finish creating your Top-Level Record. 

Edit Top Level Graphic

If the user decides they want to change what the top-level graphic is, they can do so by using the Edit option on Top Level Graphic slider menu.

Note: If for some reason, the user already has a topLevel record and still selected the Create option instead of Edit, the tool will automatically detect that and switch it to Edit mode.

1. Select the Menu, which is located on the top left corner  

2. Select the Graphics Builder tile

3. When the user clicks on the Graphics Builder tile, it will slide out and give the user 3 options

  • In this case, the user will select on Menu


4. Once the Graphics Builder Mini App menu is opened, you will see a "Top Level Graphic" option

5. Select that, and then select the Edit option. This will edit an existing topLevel record and replace it with a new one.

6. Once Edit option is selected, a pop-up will be displayed

  • In this popup, the user will select the desired graphic they wish users to view once they log in

7. Once the user has selected the graphic they want to display as the top-level record, select on the Apply button to make the changes.

Checking topLevel record

If the user wants to check the topLevel record, they will need to use Legacy Folio.

1. Select the Menu, which is located on the top left corner  

2. Select the Folio tile underneath the Advanced Apps

3. When the user clicks on the Graphics Builder tile, it will slide out and give the user 3 options

  • In this case, the user will select on Launch


4. Once the application opens, the user will query for "topLevel" record

  • If the record doesn't exist, it means it was never setup.

5. If the record doesn't exist, the user can edit the finHomePath manually or add the tag imageRef

  • This imageRef determines which image will appear above your navigation menu for topLevel.

For Example: imageRef takes the id of an image you have in the system (folio > files).

Hiding Right Menu with Top Level Graphic

If the user wants to hide the right mini app menu when the top level graphic is opened, they can do so by adding the “hideRightMenu” marker tag to the topLevel record. This will be done via the Folio app.

1. Select the Menu, which is located on the top left corner  

2. Select the Folio tile underneath the Advanced Apps

3. When the user clicks on the Folio tile, it will slide out and give the user two options

  • In this case, the user will select on Launch

4. Once the application opens, the user will query for "topLevel" record. Then select it to edit it.

5. Then in the edit window, add the “hideRightMenu” marker tag and apply.

6. Thats it, now when the topLevel graphic is loaded, the right mini app menu will be collapsed.

Before without the tag.

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