AM Chart Show Hide Scroll
AM Chart Show Hide Scroll
Description: This model works by adding the dataQuery tag and adding your query as the value. An example query would be readAll(id==@1eeb0955-26403f98).hisRead(today)
Model: amShowHideScroll.f5m
Make Your Own
- Drag out the AM|Chart component
- Put the AM|Chart component in a group and add the tag amShowHideScroll
- Add another tag called dataQuery with the value set to the query
- Add a program
- Have the program run on amShowHideScroll
- Copy and paste the code below
var queryData = []; finstack.eval(this.dataQuery, function(data){ var realPoints = data.result.toObj(); realPoints.forEach(function(p,index) { queryData.push({ date : p.ts, value : p.v0.toFixed(1), }); }); AmCharts.addInitHandler(function(chart) { if (chart.chartScrollbar === undefined || !chart.chartScrollbar.autoHide) return; chart.addListener("zoomed", function(event) { var enabled = true; if (event.startIndex === 0 && event.endIndex === (chart.dataProvider.length - 1)) enabled = false; if (event.chart.chartScrollbar.enabled === enabled) return; event.chart.chartScrollbar.enabled = enabled event.chart.validateNow(false, true); }); }, ["serial"]); var chart = AmCharts.makeChart(Chart.view, { "type": "serial", "theme": "light", "dataDateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD", "marginLeft": 50, "balloon": { "borderThickness": 1, "shadowAlpha": 0 }, "chartScrollbar": { "autoHide": true }, "chartCursor": { "cursorAlpha": 0.5, "categoryBalloonDateFormat": "MMMM D L:NN A", "enabled": true, "cursorColor": "#000000" }, "startDuration": 1, "graphs": [{ "id": "g1", "bullet": "round", "bulletBorderAlpha": 1, "bulletColor": "#FFFFFF", "bulletSize": 5, "hideBulletsCount": 50, "lineThickness": 2, "title": "red line", "useLineColorForBulletBorder": true, "valueField": "value", "balloonText": "<div style='margin:5px; font-size:19px;'><span style='font-size:13px;'>[[category]]</span><br>[[value]]</div>" }], "categoryField": "date", "categoryAxis": { "parseDates": true, "minPeriod": "mm", "dateFormats":[ { "period":"fff", "format":"L:NN:SS A" }, { "period":"ss", "format":"L:NN:SS A" }, { "period":"mm", "format":"L:NN A" }, { "period":"hh", "format":"L:NN A" }, { "period":"DD", "format":"MMM DD" }, { "period":"WW", "format":"MMM DD" }, { "period":"MM", "format":"MMM" }, { "period":"YYYY", "format":"YYYY" }] }, "valueAxes": [{ "ignoreAxisWidth": true }], "listeners": [{ "event": "zoomed", "method": function(e) { e.chart.lastZoomed = e; } }], "dataProvider": queryData, }); });