GB AM Gauges
GB AM Gauges
How to Make Your Own
- Start by dragging out AM|Gauge from the components menu
- Resize the gauge to the desired size
- Next were going to put the AM|Gauge in a group
- A simple way of doing this is by dragging out another component
- Drag out the button component and select both components
- Right click and select create group
- Then delete the other component, leaving only the AM|Gauge in the group
- Next were going to add a tag on the group so we can access it from the program
- To do this, click on the group, and a tag icon will appear in the corner
- Click on the tag icon, and type the name of your tag in the box and click the checkmark icon
- You can name your tag whatever you want, as long as it matches the program target filter in the Program
- To add a program, go to the programs menu on the left side
- Click the + icon on the bottom left of the programs menu
- In the Program Editor, type in the name of the tag applied to the group in the Program Target Filter
- If you would like to name your program, replace New Program under Program Name with what you would like to name your program
- Next click the three dots in the top right and select variables
- This will open the program vars panel, click the + icon on the right side
- A newVariable will appear, click on the gear icon that appears as you hover over the newVariable
- On the first line type point and the second line type id==$virtualPointRef
- Click the gray save button to save the variable
- Last, copy and paste the code below into the main part of the program, and click the blue save button
var template = this; finstack.eval(point.query, function(data){ myPoints=data.result.toObj(); var gaugeChart = AmCharts.makeChart( Gauge.view, { "type": "gauge", "faceBorderWidth": 0, "marginBottom": 20, "marginTop": 40, "startDuration": 0, "color": "#04384A", "fontSize": 55, "dataProvider": myPoints, "theme": "light", "arrows": [ { "color": "#001E4A", "id": "GaugeArrow-1", "innerRadius": "79%", "nailAlpha": 0, "radius": "100%", "startWidth": 30, "value": myPoints[0].curVal } ], "axes": [ { "axisThickness": 0, "bottomText": myPoints[0].curVal.toFixed(1)+ myPoints[0].unit+"\n"+myPoints[0].navName, "bottomTextYOffset": -170, "endAngle": 180, "endValue": 100, "fontSize": 13, "id": "GaugeAxis-1", "minorTickLength": 7, "startAngle": -180, "tickLength": 11, "valueInterval": 10, "bands": [ { "alpha": 0.7, "color": "#e3e3e3", "endValue": 100, "id": "GaugeBand-1", "innerRadius": 220, "radius": 280, "gradientRatio": [ 0.2, 0, -0.2 ], "startValue": 0 }, { "color": "#7093c1", "endValue": myPoints[0].curVal, "id": "GaugeBand-2", "gradientRatio": [ 0.2, 0, -0.2 ], "innerRadius": 220, "radius": 280, "startValue": 0 } ] } ], "allLabels": [], "balloon": {}, "titles": [] }); });
- To add a query go to the advanced properties and click the plus icon to add a property
- Name the propery query
- Replace the value with the query (for example: readAll(id==ect...))