Create Template Graphic
If the user wants to create a template graphic they will consistently be using, they can create their own template to appear as a template option when creating a graphic.
1. Create graphic
First, the user will create a graphic normally as they would any equip graphic. The user will set up the duct work and remove any points. Want them to be a clean template. Once done, save the graphic.
2. Editing graphic record
Next step is to go to Folio app → Launch. In there, the user will query for the graphics using "fin5" as the tag to query. The user will select graphic they just made and edit it. They will want to add "finTemplate" marker tag to it and remove the "graphicOn" tag. Once done, select on the Save button.
3. Try it out
The user can now try out their template graphic when creating a new graphic equip graphic.