History Date Picker Chart with Search
History Date Picker Chart with Search
Sarah Padilla (Unlicensed)
Owned by Sarah Padilla (Unlicensed)
Description: This is an AM Chart that can show different queries. It can support up to 8 different lines. It also needs the moment.js file.
Model: searchDatesAM.f5m
JavaScript: moment.min.js
Make Your Own
- Drag out Ractive from components on the left side menu
- Under Properties, click ractive editor, then open editor
- Copy and paste the code below for template, model, style, and init, into the corresponding tabs
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<div class="s-box"> <div class="searchBar"> <input id="inputText" class="s-input"/> <div class="s-search view-superman-value round icon-search" on-click="search"></div> </div> <div class="buttonBar"> <div class="s-button s-selected" id="day" on-click="day">Today</div> <div class="s-button" id="week" on-click="week">This Week</div> <div class="s-button" id="month" on-click="month">This Month</div> <div class="s-button" id="datePicker" on-click="datePicker">{{#if myStart==myEnd}}{{myStart}}{{else}}{{myStart}}-{{myEnd}}{{/if}}</div> </div> <div id="amChartPoint" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div> </div>
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{ data: { myStart: "Date Picker", myEnd: "Date Picker" } }
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.s-box{ padding : 10px; border-radius : 5px; width : 100%; height : 100%; display : flex; flex-direction : column; flex : 1 1 auto; } .buttonBar{ width :100%; height :35px; border-radius : 5px; background-color: #4f7ab3; display : flex; flex-direction : row; justify-content : center; align-items : center; } .s-button{ color :#fff; border-radius : 5px; width :100%; height : 100%; font-weight : bold; padding : 10px 15px 10px 15px; display : flex; flex-direction : row; justify-content : center; align-items : center; cursor : pointer; } .s-selected{ background-color: #7093c1; } .searchBar{ width: 100%; height: 25px; margin-bottom: 10px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .s-input{ height: 30px; width: 100%; border-radius: 5px; margin-right: 10px; } .s-search{ height: 25px; width: 25px; } .s-search:hover{ cursor: pointer; background-color: #62bee3; }
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this.ractive.fire("obtainData"); var template = this; var model = this.ractive; var dataQuery = 'readAll('+template.view.querySelector("#inputText").value+').hisRead(today)'; function updateChart(newQuery, buttonInd){ var test = template.view.querySelector("#amChartPoint"); var buttonIds = [ template.view.querySelector("#day"), template.view.querySelector("#week"), template.view.querySelector("#month"), template.view.querySelector("#datePicker") ]; buttonIds.forEach(function(itm){ itm.style.backgroundColor = "#4f7ab3"; }); buttonIds[buttonInd].style.backgroundColor = "#7093c1"; setTimeout(function() { finstack.eval(newQuery, function(event){ var cols = []; event.result.columns.forEach(function(itm){ var t = /v\d+/.exec(itm.name); if(t !== null && t[0] == t.input){ if(itm.metadata) cols.push({dis: itm.metadata.idDis || itm.metadata.dis || itm.metadata.id, col: itm.name, unit: itm.metadata.unit || null, equipRefDis: itm.metadata.equipRefDis}); else cols.push({dis: itm.name, col: itm.name}); } }); var grphs = []; var cou = 0; cols.forEach(function(itm){ grphs.push({ "id": "g"+cou, "balloonText": ""+itm.equipRefDis+": [["+itm.col+"]] "+itm.unit+"", "lineThickness": 2, "title": itm.dis, "unit" : itm.unit, "valueField": itm.col, "fillAlphas": 0.2 //Area }); cou++; }); var myData = event.result.toObj(); var chartData =[]; var myData2 = []; myData.forEach(function(itm){ myData2.push({ "ts": itm.ts, "tsOffset": itm.tsOffset, "tsTimezone": itm.tsTimezone, "v0": itm.v0 || 0, "v1": itm.v1 || 0, "v2": itm.v2 || 0, "v3": itm.v3 || 0, "v4": itm.v4 || 0, "v5": itm.v5 || 0, "v6": itm.v6 || 0, "v7": itm.v7 || 0 }); }); myData2.forEach(function(itm){ chartData.push({ "ts": itm.ts, "tsOffset": itm.tsOffset, "tsTimezone": itm.tsTimezone, "v0": itm.v0.toFixed(1) || null, "v1": itm.v1.toFixed(1) || null, "v2": itm.v2.toFixed(1) || null, "v3": itm.v3.toFixed(1) || null, "v4": itm.v4.toFixed(1) || null, "v5": itm.v5.toFixed(1) || null, "v6": itm.v6.toFixed(1) || null, "v7": itm.v7.toFixed(1) || null }); }); var chart = AmCharts.makeChart(test, { "type": "serial", "theme": "light", "marginRight": 80, "dataProvider": chartData, "valueAxes": [{ "axisAlpha": 0.1 }], "graphs": grphs, "zoomOutButtonRollOverAlpha": 0.15, "chartCursor": { "categoryBalloonDateFormat": "MMMM D L:NN A", "cursorPosition": "mouse", "showNextAvailable": true }, "legend": { "equalWidths": true, "position": "top", "valueAlign": "left", "valueWidth": 100 }, "chartScrollbar": { "enabled": true }, "autoMarginOffset": 5, "columnWidth": 1, "categoryField": "ts", "categoryAxis": { "parseDates": true, "minPeriod": "mm", "dateFormats":[ { "period":"fff", "format":"L:NN:SS A" }, { "period":"ss", "format":"L:NN:SS A" }, { "period":"mm", "format":"L:NN A" }, { "period":"hh", "format":"L:NN A" }, { "period":"DD", "format":"MMM DD" }, { "period":"WW", "format":"MMM DD" }, { "period":"MM", "format":"MMM" }, { "period":"YYYY", "format":"YYYY" }] }, "export": { "enabled": true } }); chart.addListener("rendered", zoomChart); zoomChart(); function zoomChart() { chart.zoomToIndexes(chart.dataProvider.length - 40, chart.dataProvider.length - 1); } }); }, 200); } this.ractive.on("search", function(event) { dataQuery = 'readAll('+template.view.querySelector("#inputText").value+').hisRead(today)'; updateChart(dataQuery.replace(/(\.*\hisRead).*$/g,'.hisRead(today)'), 0); }); this.ractive.on("day", function(event) { updateChart(dataQuery.replace(/(\.*\hisRead).*$/g,'.hisRead(today)'), 0); }); this.ractive.on("week", function(event) { updateChart(dataQuery.replace(/(\.*\hisRead).*$/g,'.hisRead(thisWeek)'), 1); }); this.ractive.on("month", function(event) { updateChart(dataQuery.replace(/(\.*\hisRead).*$/g,'.hisRead(thisMonth)'), 2); }); this.ractive.on("datePicker", function(event) { top.app.ShowCalendar(null,function(data){ var start = moment(data.range.start).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); var end = moment(data.range.end).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); var dateStringStart = start; var startDate = new moment(dateStringStart).format('MM/DD/YYYY'); var dateStringEnd = end; var endDate = new moment(dateStringEnd).format('MM/DD/YYYY'); var newQuery = ""; if(start == end) newQuery= dataQuery.replace(/(\.*\hisRead).*$/g,'.hisRead('+start+')'); else newQuery= dataQuery.replace(/(\.*\hisRead).*$/g,'.hisRead('+start+'..'+end+')'); updateChart(newQuery, 3); }, {periods:true}); });
, multiple selections available,
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