Add Remote Assets

Adding a remote asset to FIN allows for you to store a remote library source and use it in your graphics / models. 

1. Select the App Launcher icon

2. Click the Funcs app under Advanced Apps

3. Select on the icon to create a new func

4. Name the program then select Create

5. Paste the source into the func using the following format:

  • Each source library needs its own individual line; dis/value

() => do [ {dis:"D3 4.8.0",value:``} ] end

6. Once the program is done, save the func

7. Select the gear icon to edit the program

8. Add the following marker tag: finRemoteAsset, then select the Appy button

9. This will show up in graphics builder and be accessible when called upon the library/sources within func. 


Steps: Tools > Resources > Add Remote will call finRemoteAsset()

  • finRemoteAsset() will look for all functions with marker finRemoteAsset and concat the result of their execution

  • When one of the values are selected, it will create a record type remoteAsset or style (if resource is css file) or script (if resource is JS)



finGraphicsResource Pod

Examples can be found in finGraphicsResource  pod

name: finGraphicRemoteAssets
construct: "finGraphicRemoteAssets()"

() => do [ {dis:"Allow Commanding",value:`/finPod/finGraphicResourcesExt/res/elements/allowCommandingProgram.json`}, {dis:"Component Statusg",value:`/finPod/finGraphicResourcesExt/res/elements/componentStatusProgram.json`}, {dis:"Degrade Behavior",value:`/finPod/finGraphicResourcesExt/res/elements/degradedProgram.json`}, {dis:"Duct Component Program",value:`/finPod/finGraphicResourcesExt/res/elements/ductComponentProgram.json`}, {dis:"Floorplan Polygon Program",value:`/finPod/finGraphicResourcesExt/res/elements/floorplanPolygonProgram.json`}, {dis:"Related Bubbles",value:`/finPod/finGraphicResourcesExt/res/elements/relatedBubblesProgram.json`}, {dis:"Query Update Program",value:`/finPod/finGraphicResourcesExt/res/elements/siteTemplatePrograms.json`}, {dis:"Open MagicBubbles Program",value:`/finPod/finGraphicResourcesExt/res/elements/openMagicBubblesProgram.json`}, ]  end