Am Charts
Am Charts
Date Range am Chart
Below is an example of how a user can create a chart with multiple predefault filters. In this example, we'll create two buttons to switch between. One for today rollup up by 1 hr with avg. The other for this week rollup 1 day with avg. You can choose your own preferred tags, just make sure to replace them in the corresponding areas we are using them in. We'll also explain how the $1, $2 etc work. They aren't required, but it can be useful depending on what you are trying to do.
- Tag the amChart component as "foo"
- Drag out two buttons and on them add the following string tags and one marker tag:
- dateRange - set value as "today" for one button and the other as "thisWeek". This is the filter for the hisRead where is it has $2. Its defined in the program as "this.dateRange".
- math - set value as "avg" on both buttons. This is the filter for the first parameter in hisRollup where it has $3. Its defined in the program as "this.math".
- interval - set value as "1hr" for the today button and "1day" for the other. This is a filter for the second parameter in the hisRollup where it has $4. Its defined in the program as "this.interval".
- chartButton - this is just a marker tag on which the program will run on as well.
- Create a program and make it run on "world or chartButton" with TO BE CONTINUED.
var myChart = query('foo'); var myTarget = query('targetPoint'); var myQuery = sprintf('read(point and temp and sensor and equipRef==$1).hisRead($2).hisRollup($3, $4)',myTarget.pointId,this.dateRange,this.math,this.interval); var promise = finstack.eval(myQuery); promise.then(function(event) { var jason = event.result.toObj(); var chart = AmCharts.makeChart( myChart.view, { "type": "serial", "theme": "light", "dataProvider": jason, "gridAboveGraphs": true, "startDuration": 1, "graphs": [ { "balloonText": "[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "lineAlpha": 0.2, "type": "column", "valueField": "v0" } ], "chartCursor": { "categoryBalloonEnabled": false, "cursorAlpha": 0, "zoomable": false }, "categoryField": "ts", "categoryAxis": { "gridPosition": "start", "gridAlpha": 0, "tickPosition": "start", "tickLength": 20, "labelsEnabled": false }, "export": { "enabled": true } }); });
End result with both today and thisWeek results in that order.
Sample Bar Chart with Columns clicking on columns and getting Magic Bubbles.
var myPoint = query('virtualPoint and query'); var myChart = query('foo'); function magicBubbles(ev){ var myPointId = ev.item.dataContext.id; top.app.ShowRelatedBubbles(myPointId,myPointId,false,context.event); // console.log(ev) } var chart = AmCharts.makeChart( myChart.view, { "type": "serial", "theme": "light", "dataProvider": myPoint.curVal.toObj(), "gridAboveGraphs": true, "startDuration": 1, "graphs": [ { "balloonText": "[[dis]]: <b>[[area]]</b>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "lineAlpha": 0.2, "type": "column", "valueField": "area" } ], "chartCursor": { "categoryBalloonEnabled": false, "cursorAlpha": 0, "zoomable": false }, "categoryField": "dis", "categoryAxis": { "gridPosition": "start", "gridAlpha": 0, "tickPosition": "start", "tickLength": 20 }, "export": { "enabled": true }, "listeners": [ { "event": "clickGraphItem", "method": magicBubbles }] } );
Pie Chart with Slices clickable to Magic Bubbles
var myChart = query('foo'); var myQuery = query('virtualPoint and query'); function handleZoom(ev){ var myPointId = ev.dataItem.dataContext.id; top.app.ShowRelatedBubbles(myPointId,myPointId,false); } var chart = AmCharts.makeChart( myChart.view, { "type": "pie", "theme": "light", "dataProvider": myQuery.curVal.toObj(), "valueField": "area", "titleField": "dis", "balloon":{ "fixedPosition":true }, "export": { "enabled": true }, "listeners": [ { "event": "clickSlice", "method": handleZoom }] } );
Custom Chart w/ Magic Bubbles
Download: customChartA.zip
- Go to folio view in the smart menu and select "restore"
- Download the customChartA.zip and drag it into the restore window
- Now you will have the customChartA saved as a model, which will be accessible in your graphic component library
- All you need to do to make the chart work is create a virtualPoint query and the chart will automatically load up the curVals of each result into a bar.