Virtual Points
This document goes over the Virtual Points section found in the Right Builder Menu
Virtual Point Tools
The virtual point option opens a new menu view where the following can be found:
Tools - A list of tools available to be used
New VirtualPoint
Update Bindings
CurVal Format
Points - A list of all points available in the open graphic
Add New Virtual Point
New VirtualPoint option allows creates a new virtualPoint
within the graphic
1. Select a point type (Number - Boolean - String - or Query) and name the point.
2. The next wizard varies based on what type of point was selected
VirtualPoint Type |
Number | The wizard will ask for a default numeric value (#). |
Boolean | The wizard will ask for a default boolean value (True or False) |
String | The wizard will ask to type in any string value (text) |
Query Return Single Value: makes it so that it only returns a single value. If multiple values are returned, only the first result will result in this points value. | The wizard will ask to fill out a filter, axon query, and to choose a single value or a table. Filter: This section is what will be concatenated into the Axon Query below. Use the filter button to fill out your
Axon Query: Write out an entire axon query using the filter that was given in the first section.
3. The newly added point will now appear in the Virtual Point Panel (left menu) and on the right menu that you are currently viewing.
Update Binding
The update binding sections allows to update the point bindings of all the virtual points within the graphic
1. Select the Update Bindings option
2. This will open a prompt called Update Bindings
Multi-select which points will get their bindings updated
In the next and final section you can select in what way you'd like to update the point bindings. Your options are Relative By Tags, Relative by navName and Absolute.
Relative: By Tags - Add points by their tags. The binding of the point will consist of tags. This is great for when there are multiple points with different names but are tagged properly.
NOTE: If points don't have sufficient tags, it automatically appends the navName of the point
Relative: By navName - Add points by their navName. The binding of the point will consist only of the navName and not tags. This is great for when all the points are named the same, or the database isn't tagged up, and fewer issues if points are missing tags.
Absolute: By Point Ids - Add points by their ids (hardcoded). The binding of the point will consist of the point id. This is great for when adding points from different equipment and its not a relative graphic like a Central Plant for example.
Note: The target will be determined by your context in the navigation header. This is important because this determines what equipment's point its going to be looking at when updating the points.
CurVal Format
The CurVal Format option allows to format the value of what a point is returning, to some other format available from
1. Select the CurVal Format option
2. Once selected, a new window will appear with all the available numerical points
Select which points to format, then pick the format type they want from the available list in the dropdown.
3. After selecting a format, click on the "Next" button or cancel
4. Next it will present the format chosen and give an example on how it is used
As well as display the actual format itself in a string
5. Select the apply button, this will add a string 'curValFormat' on the point with the format chosen
The value will change accordingly