Ractive List Points
This component will return all the values from the query in a list. The list is resizable and will display a clickable gear if actions are available. Clicking on the name or value will pull up the magic bubbles for that specific point.
Completed Model (Basic)
Download: listPoints.zip
Resize the ractive model to the desired size, by dragging out the green square.
Example: RactiveListPointsVideo.mov
Ractive Code
<div class="s-main s-horizontal sflex scan-scroll"> {{#myPoints}} <div class="marginTop s-horizontal s-middle s-row sflex view-superman-value {{#if @index % 2 == 0}} status-stale {{else}} status-disabled{{/if}}"> <div class="s-hand s-gear marginLeft {{#if actions}}icon-gear{{/if}}" on-click="popUp"></div> <div class="s-hand s-name view-superman-label marginLeft single-line-text flexnw" on-click="magicB">{{navName}}</div> <div class="s-hand s-value view-superman-value marginLeft single-line-text flexnw" on-click="magicB">{{curVal}}</div> </div> {{/myPoints}} </div>
This sets up the HTML for the list of points.
{ data: { myPoints:[] } }
This sets up myPoints to get the data from the query.
.s-main{ flex-wrap: wrap; height: 100%; overflow: scroll; align-content: flex-start; } .s-gear{ min-width: 24px; } .s-row{ flex-grow: 1; width: 350px; height:40px; flex-wrap: wrap; } .s-name{ width:150px; } .s-value{ flex-grow: 1; width: 100px; } .s-hand{ cursor: pointer; } .marginTop{ margin-top: 5px; } .marginLeft{ margin-left: 10px; } .flexnw{ flex-wrap: nowrap; } .sflex{ flex-wrap: wrap; } .s-horizontal{ display: flex; flex-direction: row; } .s-middle{ align-items: center; } .scan-scroll{ overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; }
This is the css to style the list. Changing the width in .s-row will change the length of the gray container bars for each point. Changing the width in .s-value will change the length of the blue container with the value in it.
this.ractive.fire("obtainData"); this.ractive.on("popUp", function(event) { var item = this.get(event.keypath); var mainWin = window.parent; try { mainWin.app.ShowActionsFor (item.pointId); } catch (err) {console.error(err)} }); this.ractive.on("magicB", function(event) { var item = this.get(event.keypath); if (item) top.app.ShowRelatedBubbles(item.pointId, item.pointId, true, event); });
obtainData is what connects the Ractive model to the program. The function popUp is for the gears and magicB is for the magic bubbles.
var template = this; var target = query('targetPoint'); finstack.eval('readAll(point and equipRef=='+target.pointId+').sort("navName")').then(function(data) { var myPoints = []; var realPoints = data.result.toObj(); realPoints.forEach(function(p,index) { myPoints.push({ curVal : GetPrettyValue(p), navName : p.navName, pointId : p.id, equipRefDis : p.equipRefDis, actions : p.actions || null }); }); template.ractive.set({'myPoints':myPoints}); });
How To Make your Own
- Bring Ractive out from components on the left side menu, and click on it to have the green outline
- Under properties open the ractive editor, and copy and paste from the Ractive Code given above for template, model, style, and init
- After copying and pasting, should look like the screenshots below
- After saving go to programs and add a new program
- Name your program, and set the program target filter to stackRactive
- Top right of program editor, click the three dots, and select variables
- Click the gear that appears as you hover over this
- turn Invokes the Function on and change the dropdown to Custom Event
- Type in obtainData in the line below and save
- Copy and paste the above code for program into the main part and save
- Save and you're done!