Create Overview Box

Create Overview Box

Before using Create Overview Box


It is important to note that the App Launcher is context sensitive. The context is from the location in the nav/equip tree.

How to use Create Overview Box

The user will go in the Graphics Builder app.

Before accessing the Graphics Builder app, the user will either select the following option

  • Graphic Builder app > Graphics

  • Graphic Builder app > New

New Overview Box

  1. To create a new overview box, click on the following: Magic Button > Overview Box


2. Click on the Overview Box, this will open the slider menu then click on the New option

3. Once New is selected, a Create Overview Box popup will appear where the user can select multiple points.

4. Once the user selects the points, click on the Apply button

5. A new popup called Edit Points will open, in this form it allows the following:

  • Label: The name of the overview box

  • Icon: Change the icon for the overview box

  • Renaming Points & Order: Can change the name of the points and the order of how they will get displayed


6. Click on the Apply button to create the overview box

Edit Overview Box

1. Click the Overview Box option under equips

2. The drawer will open, then click on the Edit button

3. This will open a popup called Select Overview Box

  • It will display all the overview box that are available in the graphic

4. Select on a overview box then click on Apply

5. A popup called Edit Points will open. The form allows to edit the following:

  • Label: The name of the overview box

  • Icon: Change the icon for the overview box

  • Renaming Points & Order: Can change the name of the points and the order of how they will get displayed


6. Once done making edits, click on the Apply Button to apply the changes

Add more points to the Overview Box

1. Click on an existing overview box in the builder view, it will highlight the box in green

2. Click the Overview Box option under equips

3. The drawer will open, then click on the Add button

4. The Adding Points popup will open, the following can be done:

  • To add more points to the existing overview box, simply select points

  • To remove any points to the existing overview box, simply unselect the points

5. Once done selected, click on the Apply button

6. Fill out the Edit Points form, the following can be done:

  • Label: The name of the overview box

  • Icon: Change the icon for the overview box

  • Renaming Points & Order: Can change the name of the points and the order of how they will get displayed


7. Once done click on the Apply button to apply the changes


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